Artist Statement

"Song of Ecstasy"

The ongoing theatrical performance taking place in my imagination is progressively emerging to tangible media. It is a capoeira like fight/dance. Between; what is real and what is imagined, between manmade objects and natural creations. The allegorical illustrations include, dancers and socialites who grace the stage and intermingle, disguised by masquerade masks, animal costume heads and other symbolic objects. The scenes are set in natural and architectural spaces that are further deconstructed by the intrusion of bold geometric forms and pops of color.  Recent fabrications in painted furniture art, geometric paper sculptures, dreamscape installations in small terrarium greenhouses, and upcycle projects have served as preliminary sketches for my current projects. The work is mostly inspired by installation art, performance, earth and environmental art, as well as powerful proverbs. Although, I try to make work that is both beautiful to me and fertilizes the imaginations of my audience, more importantly, I hope to rouse appreciation for the greatest Artist who imbues each of us with such great creative capacity.